Review: Mil-Tec Tarp in Phantomleaf
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Review: Helikon-Tex RAT Waist Pack Introduction Helikon-Tex offers several items for every-day carry and low profile carry options for law enforcement personnel – the RAT Waist Pack is one of them. I had the chance to use this particular waist pack for some time now and can give you a better overview of it by […]
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Review: Tasmanian Tiger – TT Stuffbag 15 WPV Introduction This year Tasmanian Tiger released the “Waterproof Series”, offering several items to protect your gear from the elements – the TT Stuffbag 15 WPV is one of them. As always, I had the chance to take a look at some of Tasmanian Tiger’s items and can […]
Now available: BLACK BOOKS by SPARTANAT Press Release by is the leading online magazine in the German language covering the tactical market. For over ten years, they have been publishing daily news about equipment, weapons, military and manufacturers. They also publish gear reviews several times per week. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, it […]
Review: TQ Dnipro – DNIPRO Gen 2 Tourniquet Introduction The DNIPRO GEN 2 is a second-generation hemostatic tourniquet designed to stop life-threatening bleeding in both upper and lower extremities. It is made by the Ukrainian company TQ Dnipro as a result of the massive demand for Tourniquets, because of the war in Ukraine. When looking […]
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Review: Tasmanian Tiger – TT Modular Combat Pack 24 SL Introduction Tasmanian Tiger has released another combat pack in the 20-25L range this year – the TT Modular Combat Pack 24 SL. The pack has several new design features that make it worth a look. Thanks to the guys at Tasmanian Tiger, I had the […]
Gesetzesentwurf: Messertrage-Verbotsgesetz (MT-VG) Einleitung Wie bereits vor einem Monat angekündigt und auch hier im Blog beschrieben, wurde vonseiten des Bundesministerium für Inneres ein Gesetzesentwurf für ein Messerverbot angekündigt. Mittlerweile liegt ein erster Entwurf (!) des Messertrage-Verbotsgesetz vor, der die Stoßrichtung vorgibt. Entgegen erster Aussagen regelt dieser Entwurf nämlich nicht den Besitz bzw. die Verfügbarkeit von […]
Review: ANV Knives – M25 Introduction The M25 is one of Acta Non Verba’s new knives of the military line. As always they did not just come up with their own approach, but worked together with a unit to address their specific needs. Looking at the result, it is easy to say that this is […]