In September I published a small field test on the performance of SloCam in the European forest environment. In this particular previous review I also mentioned I had taken some pictures with uniform sets in Multicam and PenCott Greenzone as well. In the following review I want to present this mentioned material as well as my impressions of this particular photoshoot.
As some of you might know, I did comparison tests with Multicam and Greenzone before, but I am always trying to improve the quality of my comparisons and therefore you get another shot at this (pun intended).
As always I do not claim any scientific standard with my camouflage comparisons. I conduct them with my best knowledge and the available resources. The reason why I stick to Multicam and PenCott Greenzone is quite simple: Both of them are in operational use to my best knowledge, while most of other new and popular patterns out there are not (despite A-TACS, but I do not own any apparel in that particular pattern family).
The pictures were taken at the same time as the SloCam field test in the forest, so I would like to refer you to this review as well to take a look at Slovenia’s all season pattern.
Before I start I want to point out the following – like always:
I did not edit the pictures in any special way except the following:
- Lens correction
- Water mark
- Blurred my face out since I was too stupid not to look down
- .jpeg compression to make it web compliant
I don’t have the need to bash a particular pattern or lobby one, so you can trust me on my remarks as far as humanly possible.
Greenzone vs Multicam
A short explanation to the environment and the procedure.
Both patterns were tested in a typical European mixed forest with a high foliage canopy and some basic bushes and little trees on the ground. The pictures portray three different positions:
- Standing in the open (to get an idea of the pattern in this surrounding and if the colors match it).
- Kneeling behind some basic undergrowth (to mimic basic concealment).
- The prone position (to mimic basic up to ideal concealment without using vegetational enhancements).
These three examples were photographed with a wide angle lens at first and then with a zoom that mimics the actual picture the human eye would perceive at the actual distance. So in the end I came up with 6 pictures of each pattern.
Also a few words about the garments and patterns:
My Multicam setup is actually a setup with Multicam (MC) and the British Multi Terrain Pattern (MTP). It is a pair of british service trousers and a TAD Gear Battle Hoodie LT.
What strikes me the most is the fact, that over the years the print of the MC pattern had slight changes in color (and I am not speaking about the fact that certain kinds of fabric show colors differently). After some reading I discovered, that the MC colors actually DID change over the years and even had some differences between the military and civilian prints which were available – that being said, the TAD Gear Battle Hoodie LT is the “greenest” piece of MC in my possession.
My Greenzone setup is not mixed like the MC/MTP setup and consists of an UF PRO Striker XT Jacket and a pair of Leo Köhler KSK pants.
Let’s have a look at it.
Position 1 – standing up
Wide angle shot

Multicam – wide angle, standing up
As you can see the MC setup is showing a macro- and midi pattern that break up the silhouette rather well. The choice of colors are meant to work in most places, MC/MTP being all terrain patterns after all. The brown and green colors match the surroundings somehow and one could even go as far as saying the white spots mimic light reflections.
Overall the whole setup is brighter than its environment in this particular case and my silhouette is clearly visible (I apologize for not hiding my hands).
We all know, MC has a good performance and this picture shows, that the concept of the pattern to work everywhere to an acceptable point is valid.

PenCott Greenzone, wide angle, standing up
This impression changes completely if you take a look at PenCott Greenzone in the same surroundings. Although designed as a pattern for temperate environments, I have found out as well as pointed out on several occasions, that this is more than a “spring/summer” pattern and suitable for every season of the year as well as different surroundings.
In this particular case you can see the micro-, midi-, and macro elements of the pattern which efficiently are breaking up my silhouette despite me standing. All of the colors match the surroundings and blend in immediately.
If I had hidden my hands and face, or would have concealed them properly, one might have had to look twice before seeing me.
Zoomed in shot – actual distance of 10m
This would be the pictures or better said the actual situation of the viewer in this particular environment.

Multicam, close up, standing
With that in mind there is nothing else to say. Please bear in mind the fact though, how bright the MC/MTP setup is in close proximity in this situation.

PenCott Greenzone, close up, standing
The close up picture of the PenCott Greenzone setup shows several of the above stated points more clearly: The complex alignment of the micro-, midi- and macro elements is visible and how the combination of them are breaking up the shape of me. Also it shows how the colors match the environment. It appears to be more organic also in comparison with MC/MTP.
Position 2 – kneeling behind undergrowth
Wide angle shot

Multicam, wide angle, kneeling behind undergrowth
Again, the MC/MTP setup blends in (and doesn’t at the same time). At longer distances the color mix and pattern blur into their surroundings, while still being too bright. You can see from this picture though how much a little bit of cover and no exposure of skin can do in relation to concealment.

PenCott Greenzone, wide angle, kneeling behind undergrowth
The setup in Greenzone blends in much better, just like one might have suspected. The bright spot of light might give me away in this picture, but nevertheless, one has to look twice.
[Conditions on the ground have a severe impact in patterns obviously, as can be seen here. Imagine a reversion in the setting or better said the order of taking the pictures: the bright spot on my shoulder of the PenCott Greenzone trial might not have been as revealing for the MC/MTP setup as the darker situation, it was in before.]
Zoomed in shot – actual distance of 10m
The close up pictures of the kneeling position speak for themselves. In comparison to PenCott Greenzone the MC/MTP setup is not even close. Bear in mind though that we are speaking of a distance of 10m which basically is considered close quarters.

Multicam, close up, kneeling

PenCott Greenzone, close up, kneeling
Position 3 – the prone position
Wide angle shot

Multicam, wide angle, prone position
From a distance, lying in the prone position with a MC/MTP setup is satisfactory albeit the human eye can sense that something is off in the picture. The macro elements can be still perceived on a minimalistic level, breaking up the shape of the body, but the brightness of the colors is not ideal in this particular situation.

PenCott Greenzone, wide angle, prone position
The stark contrast can be found with PenCott Greenzone in this regard. You can still find me in the pictures, but only because you know I am dead center, and if I would tell you that there is more PenCott to be found in the picture you could not tell if I am trying to irritate you or not.
Zoomed in shot – actual distance of 10m

Multicam, close up, prone position
If we take a look at the zoomed in pictures you will understand the point I was trying to make above. The colors of the MC/MTP setup are there, they somehow fit, but the uniform is too bright. In close proximity it is a give away, in medium distances it performs well, and in long ranges any camouflage will escape the eye eventually.

PenCott Greenzone, close up, prone position
The picture of the PenCott Greenzone setup on the other hand is just a fascination example of working macro elements and the right colors in combination with proper placement on the floor.
This review displayed the performance of two camouflage patterns currently being deployed in military and law enforcement. It shows the dilemma of all terrain patterns and the possibilities of patterns specifically designed for certain environments.
In our European environment Multicam is by far not the best choice. I have come to this conclusion in many of my reviews, bearing in mind, that the pattern was originally designed for overseas theaters.
With current developments in the European security landscape, one has to reconsider though, if it makes sense to have a camouflage pattern, which does its job overseas quite well, but functions only satisfactory in our own backyard – casually spoken.
Although Multicam or MTP are designed to work in most environments in a satisfactory fashion, other patterns like PenCott Greenzone show, that you can have a pattern that excels in our own territory, but which is still usable abroad. MC/MTP is basically the same – only the other way around, meaning: of good use abroad, of minor use at home.
With that being said I hope I was able to deliver another interesting read for you guys!
Thank you for your time! Until next time!
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