Introduction The Helikon-Tex Swagman Roll is a very interesting piece of equipment which was not initially on my radar. Only after conversations with some of my friends and different users in online communities, I actually wanted to take a more closer look at it. With it being offered in PenCott Wildwood as well, I […]

With IWA there usally always comes the question about what camouflage patterns will be exhibited, will there be something new, will it be less or more like last year and so on. Camouflage at IWA The usual suspects were there as always, I don’t need to talk about Multicam and Co, because they are here […]

Let the camo wars begin… Natürlich waren auf der IWA 2014 zahlreiche Tarnmuster vertreten – seien es Jagdmuster alá Realtree, die diversen Fälschungen bekannter Muster von den üblichen Verdächtigen; alte Bekannte wie Woodland oder 3 Color Desert oder letzten Endes die Tarnmuster, die in den letzten zwei Jahren in aller Munde waren. Multicam, PenCott, Kryptek […]

Pine Survey Facts and Figures Since 2008 actively engaged in product reviews and subject matter articles in various forums 2013: Switch to dedicated publishing platform PINE SURVEY Non-profit and open source Experience based reviews on camouflage, outdoor and military gear and equipment Guest contributions by active and former military and law enforcement personnel English and […]