Introduction One of my last camouflage reviews was about a new German pattern called ConCamo – Confusion Camouflage. It took me some time to make additional pictures in autumn since I was quite busy, but in the last few days I was finally back home in Carinthia. As a result I had the opportunity […]

  Introduction ConCamo is a fairly new camouflage pattern which debuted on this years IWA at the booth of Leo Köhler. In a time when new camouflage patterns have a rough time, because of the oversaturated market and the end of the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort, which brought the camo gold rush to an […]

As every year Armin and his Team of UF PRO managed to surprise everyone with products no one was expecting! This year it was the urban line with streamlined and low provile pants as well as an amazing Jacket with hints to a historical design and fabric that will make you drool: Etaproof aka Ventile […]

In previous camouflage comparisons I have focused mainly on the newest and/or dominant patterns available and those in use by “western” militaries. At the same time I was restricted to what was at hand. As you know, I got my hands on quite a lot of camouflage patterns in the previous months so I am […]

If Pine Survey is notorious of something in this huge universe of review blogs it is camouflage reviews. Those reports of mine are still among those with the highest hit count and if I get asked something via PM or mail it is about camouflage with a 75% chance.

With that being said I want to present you yet another small contribution to the list of camouflage evaluations. I have introduced SloCam to you guys before in 1-2 reviews. Those were done with a sole cloth of fabric, which is nice to get an first impression of the pattern itself, but it only tells half of the story.

After speaking with my friends at UF PRO, they were kind enough to field me a set of SloCam apparel. With that I was able to shoot some more pictures for you guys to give you an impression on how this camouflage pattern actually looks in the wild. This will only be a small part of a coming series of reviews I am now able to do.