Update: Pine Survey at IWA 2016

Hi guys! As you might have already realized there will be no written report by me about the IWA 2016, which took place in Nuremberg, Germany. There are plenty of good written reports and videos out there, so there is no need for me to give you just 1-2 sidenotes from my side. HOWEVER… I […]

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Fieldtest: SloCam in the forest

If Pine Survey is notorious of something in this huge universe of review blogs it is camouflage reviews. Those reports of mine are still among those with the highest hit count and if I get asked something via PM or mail it is about camouflage with a 75% chance.

With that being said I want to present you yet another small contribution to the list of camouflage evaluations. I have introduced SloCam to you guys before in 1-2 reviews. Those were done with a sole cloth of fabric, which is nice to get an first impression of the pattern itself, but it only tells half of the story.

After speaking with my friends at UF PRO, they were kind enough to field me a set of SloCam apparel. With that I was able to shoot some more pictures for you guys to give you an impression on how this camouflage pattern actually looks in the wild. This will only be a small part of a coming series of reviews I am now able to do.

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Review: Fallkniven F1z

Die deutsche Version dieses Reviews kann im Tacticalforum gelesen werden. It has been a while now since I wrote about a knife on this blog and until now it was always about models which were not that much portrayed on the web or were completely outside of the mainstream. Today I would like to break […]

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