Pine Survey
Facts and Figures
- Since 2008 actively engaged in product reviews and subject matter articles in various forums
- 2013: Switch to dedicated publishing platform PINE SURVEY
- Non-profit and open source (30day early access for supporters)
- Experience based reviews on camouflage, outdoor and military gear and equipment
- Guest contributions by active and former military and law enforcement personnel
- English and German language (depending on topic and arrangement)
- Regular visits to trade shows like IWA and Enforce Tac since 2013
- Ahead of trends/ among the first to report (e.g. UFPRO, PenCott, ANV Knives, Phantomleaf)
- Network to major brands and companies like ANV Knives, ArktisLtd, Civivi Knives, ESKA Gloves, Helikon-Tex, Hyde Definition (PenCott), Kizlyar Supreme, Lunox, Mil-Tec, NiteCore, Novritsch, Olight, Perunika Tactical, Phantom Leaf, Pitchfork Systems, Spartan Blades, Tacstore, Tasmanian Tiger, TacticalTrim, Tilak, UF PRO, Vanquest Gear, Varusteleka, Zentauron, and others
- Regarded as major reference in camouflage field tests because of comparative approach
- used as reference on specific patterns by Americana Pipedream (description), UF PRO (paraphrased) and Varusteleka
- Over 100 reviews, articles and field tests with an average volume of 4 Din A4 pages, and 10-20 detailed pictures per article. Not counting photo galleries
- Basically the equivalent of a book by now
- An average of 500 visitors daily, with around 1500 – 2000 page views per day
- means: returning visitors who stay on the site longer to browse
- site regarded as a reference and not just entertainment
- Average visit time of readers
- in 2022: 02:56min
- in 2023: 03:26min
- in 2024: 03:15min
- Social Media reach between 40.000 and 100.000 people, depending on the content and if shared by cooperating parties. See Instagram reach @pinesurvey in the highlights
- Top 5 countries who visit: USA, Germany, China, Singapore, Russian Federation
- Field tests of 30+ camouflage patterns, still counting…
- Basically THE online reference when it comes to the effectiveness of camouflage patterns
- First in depth German speaking article on the PenCott camouflage family in 2013
- First English speaking article on SloCam in 2014
- Joint project with „Project Gecko“ for the introduction of Tasmanian Tiger’s PenCott Greenzone product line-up in 2015
- Major field test involving woodland and transitional camouflage patterns in 2016
- Mention at Recoilweb in 2016
- First in depth review of PenCott Metropolis in 2018
- First in depth article and field test on Austria’s “Tarnanzug Neu” in 2019 (cooperation with Austrian MoD)
- Review series “Tourniquet Tuesday” of 10 Tourniquets in 2019
- Pioneering camouflage field tests using a drone in 2020
- Winter camouflage series in 2022
- First in depth article and field test on Austria’s „Tarnanzug Beige“ in 2023 (cooperation with Austrian MoD)
- Quoted in Wikipedia in relation to Austrian camouflage patterns.
- Desert camouflage series in 2023
- Camouflage & Night Vision: field tests in the Near Infrared Spectrum in cooperation with Lunox Nightvision in 2023
- Collaborative project on the reality of Thermal Vision and camouflage in 2024
The person behind the curtain
I obtained a doctoral degree in history and am doing research on military history and armed conflicts since 2007. In the last 10 years my main work focused on security policy and conflict research. As a result I am following trends and developments in the defence industry just as much as the relevant policies.
Even though I spent some time in the military as almost every male Austrian citizen, I never considered myself a professional soldier. The experience in an airmobile unit was a unique experience however, which shaped me personally.
Active Contributors:
Bushcrafter and Outdoor Specialist.
Outdoor Enthusiast (Trekking, Climbing), Avid Airsoft Player and real steel Sport Shooter.
Former Contributors:
LEO with long time operational experience. Sport and Operations Trainer.
S. W.:
LEO with SWAT background, now K9 officer.
Schneider B.:
Militia (Reserve) soldier, competitive shooter.
Offenlegung gem. §25 Mediengesetz:
Mag. Dr. phil. D. Jaklin, Klosterneuburg
Persönlicher Blog und Informationsaustausch
Kontakt: info(at)
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I am not responsible for the content of websites reached by an external link on this blog.
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