Winter Camouflage – Multicam Alpine (fake) Introduction For the moment, this is the last article of the Winter camouflage series, featuring a fake version of Multicam Alpine. I realized the other day I was still sitting on these pictures and never actually used them – the reasons are manifold. It was already summer, the war […]

Winter Camouflage – PenCott Snowdrift Introduction Even though most of the snow is already gone, I am going to continue the winter camouflage series. In this field test, I will be focusing on PenCott Snowdrift. As I was doing this series, Dominic Hyde, the developer of the PenCott patterns, quickly reached out and provided me […]

Winter Camouflage – Phantomleaf WASP II Z3B Introduction Continuing the winter camouflage series, I will be focusing on Phantomleaf WASP II Z3B today. As I had the opportunity to try out several different winter camouflage patterns, this one stands out because of its intent to work in a specific area and not by just using […]

Winter Camouflage – Finnish M05 Snow Camo Introduction It has been a while since I last tried out camouflage patterns in a winter environment. Previous field tests dealt with regular as well as transitional camouflage in winter. The thought behind these articles was the notion that not all armies can or want to afford winter […]

Desert Camouflage in Winter Time – French Daguet Camouflage Introduction With winter being here again, it is time for another camouflage review. Looking again at desert camouflage patterns in a Winter environment, I will take a closer look at French Daguet camouflage in this field test. In a previous review I already wrote about Finnish […]

Desert Camouflage in Winter time – Finnish M04 desert camo Introduction Despite the current temperatures, or even because of them, I want to take a look at a cool topic – literally and figuratively: Desert camouflage in winter time. Some years back, I did an article on transitional camouflage patterns in winter environments, arguing that […]

Field Test: Desert Camouflage – Finnish M04 Camouflage Introduction Finnish M04 Desert Camo… Desert camouflage is a topic of it’s own, deserving a dedicated series. Those of you, who follow the blog will already know that I have taken a closer look at several desert camouflage patterns in a winter environment, as their arid coloring […]