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In this part of my IWA reports, I want to take a closer look at different gear manufacturers who caught my eye during the show. Like every year IWA was full of pack designers, tactical gear companies and so on. So this is my personal focus in regards of gear.
I’ll go through it alphabetically.
Direct Action

Direct Action booth
Last year Direct Action made the move to evolve into a company separate from Helikon Tex. Talking to the guys one could feel that they are really focused on bringing new and thought through products on the market.

Chest rigs and pouches by Direct Action
They showcased different chest rigs, pouches and belts which will hit the market in the next few months. The more interesting stuff was hidden in a bag though, to be shown only to the interested people.

One of Direct Action’s forthcoming belt designs
In cooperation with polish SF units Direct Action is working on different approaches to packs and rifle slings. The one and two point rifle slings caught quite some interest with some of my Mil/LEO friends as did a low profile pack design, specially designed for raiding parties.
The future will tell if the target groups for the products will distinguish Direct Action from Helikon. Needless to say the guys behind DA are confident in their products and that they will speak for themselves. Judging by the insights we got, they have good reason to think so.
Karrimor SF

Police Resources Int. – KarrimorSF booth
It was the first time Karrimor SF (not to be mistaken with the low budget sportlabel Karrimor) showcased at IWA and they made quite an impression in my opinion. Together with Police Resources International – their main retailer – they also had products on display that they are manufacturing for other companies.

KarrimorSF selection of packs
All of the high end Sabre and Predator pack models were on display, as well as the PLCE extension pouches. Also smaller packs like the Delta and Hydro series were available.

More KarrimorSF packs (Sabre, Hydro) as well as different pouches on the right

Dry bags on the bottom next to the expedition gear bag.
They also have extremely lightweight packs in the works, like the X-lite 15 at which I will take a closer look in in a separate review in the near future.
It didn’t stop with the packs though. A small gadget caught my eye: Little reflector tabs with built in LEDs that feature strobe modes. This can be attached with velcro and can be seen on long distances – ideal for marking positions or visual marking for search parties in low light conditions.

Reflector Tab with built in strobe
Tasmanian Tiger

Tasmanian Tiger full pack line up
Tasmanian Tiger was very interesting this year because of two main reasons. On the one hand they were showing new pack models like the TT Bug Out Bag or the TT 3P Pack, while on the other hand they introduced a new camo pattern family into their line up: PenCott.

Tasmanian Tiger Mission Pack and MKII Chest Rig in PenCott Greenzone
On display were the TT Mission Bag and the TT Chest Rig MKII in PenCott Greenzone. Like every year you could take a look at their complete line up of packs and peek at the different carrying systems.

Different pouches by Tasmanian Tiger

TT Range Pack
Another thing worth mentioning is the transition from the very green Cub colorway to a dark Olive color, which has become quite successful. This will be of interest for everyone who is interested in RAL7013 and Dark OD or Ranger Green.
Another company worth mentioning is the polish pack manufacturer Wisport. Their products could be of interest for people with a low budget but in search of quality packs. They are also offering some of the recent camo patterns in their line up, including PenCott.

Speaking of PenCott – ZentauroN was also one of the companies that added this camouflage family to their lineup.

Zentauron packs and gear
With that being said I am ending report Nr 3 of the IWA. In my last report I will take a closer look at different knife companies.
So thank you for reading and stay tuned.