Fieldtest: Desert Camouflage – PenCott Sandstorm Introduction PenCott Sandstorm is one of the neglected PenCott patterns that surely deserves more attention, because of its performance. Designed as a desert camouflage, it saw only minimal coverage, despite being used in the Middle East on several occasions.  Those who follow the blog will already know that I […]

Field Test: Desert Camouflage – Finnish M04 Camouflage Introduction Finnish M04 Desert Camo… Desert camouflage is a topic of it’s own, deserving a dedicated series. Those of you, who follow the blog will already know that I have taken a closer look at several desert camouflage patterns in a winter environment, as their arid coloring […]

Austrian Desert Camouflage – Tarnanzug Beige Introduction In 2019 I wrote a special about Austrian Camouflage, in particular about Austria’s new camouflage system, the “Tarnanzug Neu” (I will refer to the pattern as TN17/20). In cooperation with the ministry of defense I had the opportunity to take a closer look at the new pattern and […]

Desert Camouflage in Winter Time – French Daguet Camouflage Introduction With winter being here again, it is time for another camouflage review. Looking again at desert camouflage patterns in a Winter environment, I will take a closer look at French Daguet camouflage in this field test. In a previous review I already wrote about Finnish […]

Desert Camouflage in Winter time – Finnish M04 desert camo Introduction Despite the current temperatures, or even because of them, I want to take a look at a cool topic – literally and figuratively: Desert camouflage in winter time. Some years back, I did an article on transitional camouflage patterns in winter environments, arguing that […]

Fieldtest: Phantomleaf WASP I Z1B Introduction The Phantomleaf collaboration with Mil-Tec is well known by now, introducing the WASP I family of camouflage patterns, one of them being WASP I Z1B. Now I already gave an overview of the patterns, teasing some images of them in the field. A thorough review on WASP I Z3A […]

Civ-Tec: the new cooperation between Phantomleaf and Mil-Tec Introduction As some of you already know, during this year’s IWA, Phantomleaf and Mil-Tec announced their cooperation, introducing the Civ-Tec line up. It consists of a new Phantomleaf camouflage pattern similar and compatible to the already available WASP II patterns. This new pattern family is called WASP […]

Camouflage and Night Vision: Expectations vs Reality Disclaimer: This topic is surely one of the most time consuming I have had so far. It is also a wide throw that covers areas most of the average readers might find boring. Others, however, might find it to be a basic entry piece, piecing together some parts […]

Review: Särmä – TST L4 Uniform Introduction As some of you might know from a previous camouflage field test, I had the chance to get my hands on a TST L4 Uniform in Finnish M04 desert camouflage – courtesy of Varusteleka. With that I was not only able to give you a decent overview on […]